
06.09.2012 - 10.09.2012 | An ITS Visit from EDQM (European Directorate for Quality fo Medicines & Healthcare)

An ITS Visit from EDQM (European Directorate for Quality fo Medicines & Healthcare)
September 6, 2012 / Ankara / TURKEY

Dr. François-Xavier LERY, Scientific Officer of European Directorate for Quality of Medicines & Healthcare(EDQM), came to Ankara on September 6, 2012 to view and familiarize with the Turkish Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System (ITS) on-site.

Dr. LERY listened ITS presentation about ITS processes, short and long term objectives and achieved successes and then he visited manufacturer, wholesaler, hospital and pharmacy to view the ITS processes and applications on site. In this context;

  • For the manufacturer ITS processes and applications, Drogsan manufacturer company,
  • For the wholesaler ITS processes and applications, Selçuk wholesaler company,
  • For the hospital ITS processes and applications, TOBB ETÜ hospital,
  • For the pharmay ITS processes and applications, Ankara Vatan pharmacy visits has been made.

After the visits, Dr. LERY made a meeting with the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency Director Dr. Saim KERMAN, listened the gained experiences with the ITS and asked different questions to ITS technical team. Stating that they want to benefit from Turkey’s ITS experiences for the project eTACT, Dr. LERY said “Turkey is a country which applied pharmaceutical tracking successfully even if it has a huge population. There is no country in Europe successfully running such a huge pharmaceutical tracking system”.

At the end of the day, Dr. LERY expressed his satisfaction and pleasures, and left from us with his wishes of mutual collaboration and to meet again.

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