
10.02.2012 | Meeting Devoted to the ITS Hospital Software Developers

To the Attention of Companies Developing Software for Hospitals and the Software Teams of Hospitals;

A series of meetings have been planned devoted to the software developers to determine the software problems of our stakeholders and to convey the developments in ITS to the technical authorities. The first one of these meetings will be held with the companies which develop software for our hospitals and the technical teams of the hospitals which develop their own software on Thursday February 16, 2012 in the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency. Maximum two people which have full knowledge of their software from each team are expected to attend the meeting.

Participants must send an e-mail with a topic of “Meeting Devoted to the ITS Hospital Software Developers” containing the name, surname, company and contact information of the participants until the end business day on January 15, 2012 to .

Place: Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, 3rd Floor (Click here for the detailed address)
Meeting Hall: Yeşim Meeting Hall
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Time: 13:30 – 17:00

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