
11.06.2012 | Product Transactions under the scope of Phase 1 and Phase 2

What is Phase 1 – Phase 2?

Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System is constituted of two phases as of its structuring. The decision to make a two-stage transition of the system was made taking the possible difficulties that our stakeholders could face of changing all the rules of the supply chain at once into consideration. These transitions are named as Phase 1 and Phase 2.

The starting date of Phase 2 is January 1, 2012. As of this date all the products whose production notification is made are considered as Phase 2 products. The important point here is that, the date that created the distinction between Phase 1 and Phase 2 is not the date of the product’s physical production, it rather is the date of the production notification. All the products whose production notifications have been done after this date will be treated as Phase 2 products in its transactions.

In the scope of Phase 1;

A product may continue to be processed even though some of its notifications are missing. To prevent wholesalers and pharmacies to experience difficulties due to the missing notifications of the manufacturers, products registered on manufacturers may be dispatched by wholesalers and pharmacies. On a product shipped by Manufacturer A to Wholesaler B without a dispatch notification;

  • Wholesaler B can make a purchase notification,
  • Wholesaler B can make a dispatch notification without making a purchase notification,
  • Wholesaler B can send the products to Pharmacy C without making any notifications. In this case Pharmacy C may either make a purchase notification or make a dispatch notification without making a purchase notification.

It should not be overlooked that this facility is only for the products which are only registered upon the manufacturer. In other words, after the purchase notification by the wholesaler of a product under the scope of Phase 1 has been made, its purchase notification or dispatch notification by another stakeholder cannot be made without its dispatch notification by the same wholesaler.

Phase 1 products whose dispatch, turnover and return notifications are made fall into the pool which is called the “Unclaimed Products Pool”. The purchasing, dispatching and consumption of the products which fall into this pool can be made by all stakeholders. This means that in the case of a product being sold to a pharmaceutical wholesaler and the pharmaceutical wholesaler does not make a purchase notification, it can be purchased by any other stakeholder. It is suggested that in order not to lose the ownership of the products owned physically, stakeholders should make product purchase notifications for the physically owned products on a regular basis. In Phase 2 however, only the stakeholder to whom the dispatch was made can make the product purchase notification.

In the Scope of Phase 2;

It is obligatory to make notifications at every point that the product reaches. If Manufacturer A does not make the dispatch notification to Wholesaler B;

  • Wholesaler B cannot make a purchase notification for the products,
  • Wholesaler B cannot make a dispatch notification because it cannot make a purchase notification,
  • Since the products are still registered under Manufacturer A, Pharmacy C can also not make any purchase notification, since Pharmacy C cannot make a purchase notification it cannot make a dispatch notification either.

As you can see all the transactions are connected to each other within the supply chain. For a product to be dispatched in a pharmacy or to be consumed in a hospital, it must follow the steps below:

Scenario 1:

1)    Production Notification (Manufacturer A)

2)    Manufacturer Dispatch Notification (From Manufacturer A to Wholesaler B)

3)    Wholesaler Product Purchase Notification (From Manufacturer A to Wholesaler B)

4)    Wholesaler Dispatch Notification (From Wholesaler B to Pharmacy C)

5)    Pharmacy Product Purchase Notification (From Wholesaler B to Pharmacy C)

6)    Pharmacy Dispatch Notification (Dispatch at Pharmacy C)

Scenario 2:

1)    Production Notification (Manufacturer A)

2)    Manufacturer Dispatch Notification (From Manufacturer A to Wholesaler B)

3)    Wholesaler Product Purchase Notification (From Manufacturer A to Wholesaler B)

4)    Wholesaler Dispatch Notification (From Wholesaler B to Hospital D)

5)    Hospital Product Purchase Notification (From Wholesaler B to Hospital D)

6)    Hospital Consumption Notification (Hospital D)

Only the stakeholder to whom the products are sold can make a product purchase notification. For a product dispatched by Wholesaler A to Pharmacy B, only Pharmacy B can make a product purchase notification. When Pharmacy C makes a product purchase notification it will receive an error code saying “10305 : The indicated product is registered on another stakeholder”.

As a result, Phase 1 is a transition phase applied so that the stakeholders can easily adapt to the system and the rules defined for the transactions on the supply chain are more loose. Phase 2 on the other hand is the phase in which the rules of the supply chain are applied in the strictest sense. All products whose production notifications are made as of January 1, 2012 will be considered under the scope of Phase 2.

1. Products whose production notification has been made before January 1, 2012:

If a product which has been manufactured before January 1, 2012 and its production notification has also been made before January 1, 2012, these products will be considered to be in the unclaimed product pool right after their production notification is made. Any stakeholder can make purchase, dispatch and consumption notifications for these products. However they will become Phase 2 products right after their product purchase notification or dispatch notification. Pharmacy dispatch or hospital consumption notifications can also be applied to these products directly without making any operations in the interim steps.

If the production notification of a product manufactured before January 1, 2012 has been made after January 1, 2012 it does not come into question that this product can be a Phase 1 product. These products are Phase 2 products as of their production notification.

2. Products whose production notification has been made after January 1, 2012:

Since all products whose production notification has been made as of January 1, 2012 will be considered under the scope of Phase 2, they have to be produced in accordance with Phase 2 by producing labels on parcels and XML files appropriate to Phase 2. Here, the important date is the automatically gained through the system date when the production operation has been made and not the information gathered from the user when filling in the production date field. So even if a product has been manufactured on January 1, 2012, when its production notification has been made on January 2, 2012 it will be considered as a Phase 2 product instead of a Phase 1 product.

In the product purchase and dispatch cancellation services, the last owner of the product is the one who made the transaction. However after the dispatch, turnover and product return operations, the product is between the operant stakeholder and the counter party stakeholder, yet the ownership information is on neither side. In such a case only these two stakeholders can make transactions on this product. In order to gain the ownership of the product, the counter party stakeholder must make a product purchase notification, while the stakeholder who made the first operation on the product must make a dispatch cancellation notification. In order to make dispatch, consumption or exportation notifications for a Phase 2 product, one must first gain the ownership information of that product.

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