The transfer of all the transactions of the products beginning with their manufacturing or their importing until they reach their last user made by the stakeholders to the ITS system through web services are called notifications. With these notifi...
The transfer of all the transactions of the products beginning with their manufacturing or their importing until they reach their last user made by the stakeholders to the ITS system through web services are called notifications. With these notifications, stakeholders deliver the final satus and ownership information of drug units they have made actions with to ITS.
ITS returns answer notifications for the notification’s achievement status for every notification and the reason of its failure if failed. Stakeholder have to make,
Dispatch Return
Purchase Verification
Dispatch Cancellation
notifications to ITS. The types and contents of notifications are determined in the Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System Operational Manual, while the notification structures are defined in the Guideline on ITS Web Services. Please visit the Guidelines web page for more detailed information on notifications and notification answers.