Word | Explanation |
BN |
BN (Batch Number): Is the registration number that distinguishes a batch from another during its manufacturing.
BN (Batch Number): Is the registration number that distinguishes a batch from another during its manufacturing. |
Consumption |
Consumption is the operation in which the drug unit has been opened to be given to the patient and every consumed drug unit must be notified to ITS. Hospitals and drug consuming centers are obliged to make consumption notifications to ITS for ever...
Consumption is the operation in which the drug unit has been opened to be given to the patient and every consumed drug unit must be notified to ITS. Hospitals and drug consuming centers are obliged to make consumption notifications to ITS for every drug unit that they have used. |
DataMatrix |
DataMatrix is a symbol constituted by the encoded text and/or number characters which is composed of black and white cells on a square (10x10, 144x144) or rectangular (8x18, 16x48) field.
It’s general data size can change from very few bites t...
DataMatrix is a symbol constituted by the encoded text and/or number characters which is composed of black and white cells on a square (10x10, 144x144) or rectangular (8x18, 16x48) field. It’s general data size can change from very few bites to 1556 bites. The codified data is associated with the amount of cells that will be used within the DataMatrix. Even if some cells of the DataMatrix get harmed so that they cannot be read, it is possible to read these with the Error Correction Technique (ECC 200). One DataMatrix symbol can include 2.335 alphanumeric characters. Depending on the coding used, a white cell represents 0 and a black cell is a 1, or vice versa. Every DataMatrix is composed of two solid adjacent borders in an "L" shape (called the "finder pattern") and two other borders consisting of alternating dark and light "cells" or modules (called the "timing pattern"). DataMatrix symbol sizes vary from 8×8 to 144×144. DataMatrix codes is able to encode 50 characters in 2-3 mm2, that is readable with only a 20% contrast ration (low contrast). In commercial applications they are able to be scaled and readable as small as 300 micrometers and as large as 1 meter square. The DataMatrix has an error rate of less than 1 in 10 million characters scanned. (Retrieved from Wikipedia) To provide the traceability it is needed to assign a unique registration number to each drug unit. This unique registration number is attained through the combination of both the drug barcode number (GTIN: Global Trade Item Number) and serial number (SN: Serial Number). The Batch Number (BN) and the Expiration Date (XD) must also be added onto to the serialized registration data and the obtained information must be printed onto the drug unit. The printing of all the information needed by letters and numbers onto the package of the drug unit takes up a lot of space and the transfer by hand of this information to the virtual platform requires great workload. In order to abolish the problem of reading and writing, the decision was made to use DataMatrix (2D Barcode or QR code) technology through which the information can easily be retrieved by machines. This application was used for drugs for the first time in Turkey. The information which the DataMatrix contains is stated below. Barcode Number – GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): The maximum 14 digit number which serializes products worldwide. Serial Number – SN: The unique registration number for defined by the manufacturers for each unit/package on the basis of products. Expiration Date – XD: The last date that the product can safely be used. Batch Number – BN: Is the registration number that distinguishes a batch from another during its manufacturing. “The Regulation on Packaging and Labeling of Humane Pharmaceutical Products” which was published in the 12.08.2005 dated and 25904 numbered official gazette was updated with the 02.02.2008 dated and 26775 numbered “Regulation for the Amendment of the Regulation on Packaging and Labeling of Humane Pharmaceutical Products”. Thus, the barcode applied on to the product packages was removed and it was decided to apply DataMatrix for the serialization of the drug units. You can access the details of "Guidance on Implementation of Identification and Barcoding of Medicinal Products for Human Use" on the guides web page. |
Deactivation |
Deactivation is the request of closing the record of certain drugs in the system due to several reasons like taking out the products from the system which have to be destroyed because they have either been defectively manufactured or expired, prod...
Deactivation is the request of closing the record of certain drugs in the system due to several reasons like taking out the products from the system which have to be destroyed because they have either been defectively manufactured or expired, products becoming unsalable due to a reason or the request to take a product out of the system due to an operation. With this notification, the serial numbers of these products in ITS are closed and no other products with the same number can be notified again. |
Endpoint Address |
The mediator addresses which determine the way the users of a service (clients) will access the service are called endpoint addresses. Endpoint addresses are in the form of URL (links).
The mediator addresses which determine the way the users of a service (clients) will access the service are called endpoint addresses. Endpoint addresses are in the form of URL (links). |
GLN is a 13 digit number given by the barcode authority, GS1 in order to uniquely define a location in a world scale. GLN indicates the legal, functional or physical allocation unit in a workplace environment or an organization.
The location n...
GLN is a 13 digit number given by the barcode authority, GS1 in order to uniquely define a location in a world scale. GLN indicates the legal, functional or physical allocation unit in a workplace environment or an organization. The location numbers which are called GLN, are used as access keys to reach the identifying information of the locations kept in the databases of the information systems. By using GLN the information related to a location in their database (For example: The legal address of a company, mailing address, shipping address, telephone and fax number, relevant person etc.) can be reached. GLN usage has also been accepted in Turkey and its usage to identify all stakeholders in the ITS system has been planned. Drug manufacturers, importing companies, reimbursement agencies and pharmaceutical warehouse stakeholders can receive their GLN number to be used in ITS by making an application to TOBB-GS1 Turkey (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey). Pharmacies, hospitals and other drug consuming centers may get their GLN numbers automatically from a field which has been reserved by TOBB for the Ministry of Health after registering to the local health authority. |
GS1 |
Trade going beyond national boundaries and reaching an international dimension, the increase of fluctuation in product demand, the increase of customer expectations has brought about the need to generate new solutions to boost the efficiency of th...
Trade going beyond national boundaries and reaching an international dimension, the increase of fluctuation in product demand, the increase of customer expectations has brought about the need to generate new solutions to boost the efficiency of the supply chain. In accordance with these changes in trade, in 1974 manufacturers and distributors from 12 countries have participated in the works to constitute a standard fort the identification of the products in Europe; thus in consequence of these works the International Article Numbering (Originally European Article Numbering, which has been changed to International Article Numbering although the abbreviation remains as EAN) Association whose center is located in Brussels was founded in the year 1977. The basic task of EAN is to develop international standards suitable for every sector which can define products, services, transportation units and inventories in order to provide efficient supply chain management. Local organizations which are members of EAN are obliged to apply and develop international standards in their own regions. Over time, EAN’s member profile has gone beyond Europe and has spread over the world, thus in 1992 EAN was given the name International. In the 2000s The International EAN Association’s basic goal has gone beyond simply the creation of definition standard and much greater targets were wet. In order to fasten and increase the efficiency of the communication among the manufacturers and the customers and to provide tracking of the products within the supply chain, projects like GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network), RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and tracking were developed. As a result of the fact that EAN International no longer appears as an organization which only creates defining standards its name has been changed at the beginning of 2005 as GS1. Today, GS1 has 101 member organizations representing 103 countries. |
GS1 Turkey |
In 1988 GS1 Turkey has been founded as “National Goods Numbering Center” within Turkey’s highest ranking representative of the private sector, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in order to provide the...
In 1988 GS1 Turkey has been founded as “National Goods Numbering Center” within Turkey’s highest ranking representative of the private sector, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in order to provide the trouble-free recognition and tracking of commercial products that are produced and offered for sale in Turkey in national and international trade and became a member of EAN. As EAN changed its name to GS1, The “National Goods Numbering Center” changed its name to “GS1 Turkey” in March 2005. GS1 Turkey with 15000 members continues to provide membership of the manufacturers, distributors and supplier companies in Turkey to GS1 system, thus provides their worldwide recognition, ease the applications of these companies and makes issue specific regulations for Turkey to provide support for companies. (For more information on GS1 – Turkey please visit their website. http://www.gs1tr.org/tarihce.php) |
Barcode NUmber- GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): Is the number which serializes products worldwide and is comprised of 14 digits at most. The Global Trade Item Number is given by GS1.
Barcode NUmber- GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): Is the number which serializes products worldwide and is comprised of 14 digits at most. The Global Trade Item Number is given by GS1. |
The Turkish “Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System” (abbreviated as ITS) defines the infrastructure constructed to track and trace all units belonging to each pharmaceutical product in Turkey. ITS is the application of the well-known “Track & ...
The Turkish “Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System” (abbreviated as ITS) defines the infrastructure constructed to track and trace all units belonging to each pharmaceutical product in Turkey. ITS is the application of the well-known “Track & Trace” structure applied to the pharmaceutical industry. The serialization providing the uniqueness of the units is ensured by the DataMatrix code instead of formerly used barcode. The ability to track each drug unit is provided by gathering the information of each unit in every single step and action; and traceability is provided by its pedigree. ITS is the first successful and unique application of “Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System” in the world. ITS is designed to track the location of every drug unit to ensure the reliable supply of drugs to patients. Therefore, all the drugs on the market are traced by notifications in all phases from production to consumption. Thus; the sale of fraudulent drugs, drug theft and barcode scams are prevented. In addition, if required, drugs can easily be recalled due to traceability of stocks. |
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